
2.9 to 4 years of age

In our high-quality preschool program, social and emotional development is a primary goal.  You will see children learning to communicate with one another, develop budding friendships, share, take turns, and to develop age-appropriate attention spans, as well as to learn to use words to handle conflict and emotions.  Our program strives to promote the social and emotional areas of development in a happy, relaxed learning environment.


Program Features


Children interact in “Play to Learn” groups to:

  • Contribute ideas and use language purposefully
  • Listen to friends without interruption and be considerate of others  
  • Participate in making choices about scheduled activities to learn to understand time, sequence and decision making.
  • Finger play to enhance memory of words and enjoy experiments
  • Simon Says to further develop listening skills
  • Song time to learn appreciation of diverse sounds and rhythms
  • 10 to 1 child teacher ratio


The following skills will be introduced in preschool: 
  • Science
  • Reading
  • Language
  • Mathematics